Thanking all our Rescue Heroes!

Our Industry Titans help restaurants in need survive and succeed. At Restaurant Search and Rescue we are becoming a solutions hub you may say, and one of our most important focus areas is that of assistance in the form of equipment, products and services.
Industry Titans are exactly that, major industry players making significant difference in our rescue efforts with Champions-in-need like yourself. They supply the bigger items like heavy equipment, furniture and vital services in today's business environment such as digital marketing .
As a Champion-in-need (Elite), you will be entitled to be considered for grants to cover these items, as well as taxes, shipping, etc. If chosen, we will work together with you and an Industry Titan to help you survive and succeed!

Restaurant Search and Rescue partners with Industry Titans in these categories:
Large Kitchen Appliances (non-refrigeration-related)
Large Kitchen Appliances (refrigeration)
Restaurant furniture (other than appliances)
Point of Sales Equipment and Services
Web Design and Digital Marketing
Profitability Assessment and Advisory
Several others